Condensed milk
Condensed milk is cow's milk from which water has been removed. It is most often found in the form of "sweetened condensed milk" ("SCM"), with sugar added, and the terms "condensed milk" and "sweetened condensed milk" are often used interchangeably today. Sweetened condensed milk is a very thick, sweet product, which when canned can last for years without refrigeration if not opened. Condensed milk is used in numerous dessert dishes in many countries.
A related product is evaporated milk, which has undergone a more complex process and which is not sweetened. Evaporated milk is known in some countries as unsweetened condensed milk.
Our Production
Sweetened condensed milk full cream
- Min. 7,5 & 8% butterfat
- To be used undiluted in tea, coffee or cocoa
- Ideal to use for cooking, making desserts and baking purposes
- Available in In cans – 385 g, 397 g, 533 g, 1 kg
- Text in: English/Spanish/French /Arabic
- Shelf life: 18 months at 0-15°C, 12 months at 0-25°C
Sweetened condensed milk vegetable fat filled
- Min. 7,5 & 8% Veg fat
- To be used undiluted in tea, coffee or cocoa
- Ideal to use for cooking, making desserts and baking purposes
- Available in In cans – 385 g, 397 g, 533 g , 1 kg
- Text in: English/Spanish/French /Arabic
- Shelf life: 18 months at 0-15°C, 12 months at 0-25°C